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G-ruler For Mac

G-ruler For Mac

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Setup Dialog. Icon:. Shortcut: F10 Description The Setup Dialog is opened. It includes any setup of the and it is grouped in 9 sections.

On Mac OS X the setup menu item is named preferences and located under menu to be compatible with the mac menu standard. Shapes General Shape Constraint Angle constraints for new created pathes and polygons can be set to all angle, fine angles, 45째 and 90째. Polygon Checks There are some option to fix automatic illegal polygons. The first option removes not needed points and the second option enables the correction of self-intersecting polygons.

See also: Defaults Path Every path element has a property for its width and for its caps. If a path is created in the, it is only possible to enter its shape and not its width/cap.

Width and caps are set to the setup defaults. The width is enter in. Three different caps are possible: no caps, round caps and square caps. Text Every text element has a property for its size and for its alignment. If a text is created in the, it is only possible to enter its origin.

Text size and alignment is set to the setup defaults. The text size can either be entered in (positive values) or independent of the scale in pixel (negative values). If the size of a text element is zerro, this setup value will be used instead. If this value is also zerro the text element will be displayed as a dot. The font is global and cannot be adjusted for individual text elements. The adjustment is done via.

Angle Resolution Most EDA programs like the don't have elementary circles. So any circle or circular structure is converted into a polyline. How precise this conversion is done can be setup via the angle resolution value. A lower value will result in a finer resolution and a higher number of point. Bezier Iteration Most EDA programs like the don't have elementary bezier curves. So any bezier curve is converted into a polyline. How precise this conversion is done can be setup via the bezier iterations value.

A higher value will result in a finer resolution and a higher number of point. A Iteration of 0 will directly connect start and end point without a conversion. Fileformat Most most some options exists.

These options are very specific to the file format. Please see the file format specific section for the details. See also:, Design These layout design specific setting are only relevant for the design from which this setup dialog has been opened. Databaseunits All coordinates of any design is saved as an integer. The databaseunit is the distance represented by 1 and therefore the smallest distance possible in the design. All coordinates can only be a multiply of the databaseunit.

If you change the databaseunits within the setup dialog, you can select whether the elements are adopted (=same absolute dimensions) or not modified (=same integer value=scaled by the change of databaseunits). Userunits Userunits is the unit used to display any coordinate, length, dimensions, etc. It is specific to a design (and not a global setting). Some file formats includes this setting and also the database units. Loading of such a file will change both, userunits and databaseunits.

See also: Display General This section contains set up information on general display in the drawing area. In details these setups can be adjusted: Paint Engine The includes three different. The displays the shapes on the screen. By changing the engine the kind of display can be effected. A restart is required before the new choosen engine will be used. Available engines:.

unsorted display: All elements are painted over each other. There is no deterministic order.

sorted display: Shapes are sorted in the same order than the 3d display. transparent display: Shapes are transparent. See also: Mouse Form The way the mouse is displayed in the drawing area can be changed. There are four different ways:. display as a dot,.

display as a cross,. line display over the hole drawing,. dual display, next to the snapped mouse position, the real position is also displayed. Drawing Color Color for the background, selected shapes, etc. Can be adjusted.

Text Font The font which is used for all text elements can be setup. Any common (vector) font file format is supported (TrueType fonts, Type 1 fonts, CFF fonts, OpenType fonts.). If no font is selected one of the internal fonts is used. The setup font is also used for the conversation of text elements to polygons. Iteration Most font contain bezier curves.

Most EDA programs like the don't have elementary bezier curves. So any bezier curve is converted into a polyline.

How precise this conversion is done can be setup via the iterations value. A higher value will result in a finer resolution and a higher number of point. A Iteration of 0 will directly connect start and end point without a conversion. Information Text Size The size of Text not part of an design, e.g ruler Drawing View Cellrefs How references to cells in hierarchical design are display can be setup here. It is possible to display just the name of the cell, the referred cell or both. It is also possible to select haw many hierarchical levels are displayed.

If you have a poor painting performance, reduce the displayed hierarchical levels. Furthermore it can be controlled whether the origin of the referred cell is displayed.

See also:, View Text It can be disabled to show text elements. In that case only a dot will be display.

Rendering text is a time-consuming task. So be disabling it, the display got faster if the design contain many text elements. Ignore Text Rotation Text elements are always displayed unrotated and not mirrored. This transformation information is ignored for displaying the text. However it is respected for conversion to polygons. View Grid The grid setup. See also: Surround The surround setting for User Interface General Language Next to the English user interface, German, French, Russian, and Japanese user interface is supported.

The best language is guessed by the system setting, but can be set to any other language via this setting. Also adding own created translations can be added. See also: Windows Style Adjust the style of the windows here. The available styles depend on the operation system you are using.

Show Menubar The main menu is also accessible via a right click in the drawing. By disabling the menubar the effective drawing area can be increased. Show menu icons: On some system (especially on macs) the usage of menu icons cost quit a lot performance. Disable the menu icons to increase the performance. On some operating systems a program relaunch is required before changes have effect. Swap scroll direction: Moving right and left depends on the contemplation. If you move the camera you will get an other result as moving the sheet.

Every user has a different preference. Select here what you prefer.

G-ruler For Mac Download

Swap mouse wheel direction: the direction of zooming with the mouse wheel is different in any application. With this setting you can set your preference. Layer The number of layer controls displayed in the user interface and how it is display. The support up to 1024 layer.

But by default not all layers are used in the layer dialog. Adjustment can be made here. Also you can select, if layers not used in the current design are invisible in the layer dock. This check will be made after loading a design into the. By default the layer setup is stored to disk on shutdown of the and restore on program start.

G-ruler for mac os

A further option will disable the storage and use the last layer setup stored before disabling this option. Mode The general mode used is determine by the license key your have, but can also be adjusted here. See also: Macro Macro Directory During the launch of the the macro directory is scanned and recognized macros are insert into the menu structure. If the macro directory is not valid, the tries to find the shipped macros.

See also: Callback Macros Path where macro are searched for callbacks, like after changing component parameters. Autostart Macro This macro is called once with launching the and opening of a first layout window. If can be used to do basic setup or adjusting short cuts. (implemented in release 20110511 or newer) Netlist Generation The netlist format for different netlist is defined here. Common format description are shipped, new formats can be added.

Please see for detail on the syntax. Hierachy This part describes how the hierarchy is handel and described for different netlist formats.

The descrition will be used when the feature is called. It will create the netlist/model information of the new created component accordingly this setting. Layout Extraction Autotrigger of building Connections/Netlists By default the extracting of netlists and checking the connections between the shapes is done after every modifications of the design. However the extractions may take same time on bigger design. By disabling this feature the extracting is only be done if manually trigger via the Build Connections function. Ignored Datatypes for building Connections listed datatypes will be ignored in the feature. The datatype number had to be entered as one number per line.

G-ruler For Mac

(introduced with version 20150421) Extract any Cell Reference as a Device Any connected cell reference will be extracted as a netlist device even if no type informations are available. (introduced with version 20130101) Global Nodes Some netlist file formats support global nodes. Global nodes are always connected between any cell without explicid to be mentions in the netlist. If a node name matches a regular expression, it is detected as a global node.

G-ruler For Mac

Unnamed Nodes If nodes are not named via the text element, an automatic naming will be done. All nodes will get a common name with a number. The common name can be setup here. Place/Route PCB place mode If enabled the place mode will operate for PCB placing. In that mode a mirrored placing is no longer possible.

Instead the refered cell will be placed on the bottom of the PCB. The layer of the refered cell will be map. (introduced with version 20150128) Automatic Placing Opens a dialog with the option of automatic placing. The same dialog can be open inside the feature. Automatic Routing Opens a dialog with the setup of the externalautomatic routing.

The same dialog can be open inside the feature. Import This section define some option on a direct load of netlists into the without using the. Use component library The component library from the schematic is used as well to match imported devices.

VHDL import upper any name Any device type name and node name is converted to upper characters while importing netlists from structual VHDL files. Schematic Colors Display and modification of some default colors used in the. The color of and can be set within the part of the setup. Show Components Ports If enabled the port names of components are alway display. If disabled the names are only displayed if the mouse is over the component. Enable this feature if you use a component library without port naming in the symbols. (introduced with version 20150228) Misc Report Same operations generate an report.

These reports can contain errors, warnings, informations, etc. You can setup on which levels these reports are displayed. Or in other words how detailed you want to be informed problems errors, etc.

Updates If enabled the will regular check for updates and inform you about it. There are no automatic update downloads. You can always choose on your own to use a new version or not. Autosave If enabled, designs (layout and schematic) will be saved after the set time to the temporary folder of your system. The exact location of the temp folder depend on your system setting. (often 'c:/Users/username/AppData/local/Temp' on Windows) The saving is only executed, if the design was changed.

After an abnormal program shut-down the autosaved backup had to be loaded by hand. (introduced with version 20150619) See also.

G-ruler For Mac